
Reflections: Honoring Our Family’s History

Reflections: Honoring Our Family’s History

I’ve written about nesting and our family traditions before. How all sorts of things – from before & after our divorce – surround us in our home all the time.

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1800 1200 Family Nesting • Beth Behrendt, Author

Nesting (Birdnesting) Coparenting after Divorce Can Actually Save You Money!

As I describe in further detail in my article for Divorce Magazine: nesting/birdnesting custody may be a way to benefit your family not only through continuity for the children but also by providing better financial stability.

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150 150 Family Nesting • Beth Behrendt, Author

How 8 Books Changed My Life

These were all books that seemed to enter my life serendipitously. And looking at them again, I realized how essential they had been in getting me to, well … to my very happy Now.

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1617 946 Family Nesting • Beth Behrendt, Author
Nesting After Divorce Can Save You Money

Nesting After Divorce Can Save You Money

Unlike a traditional divorce scenario, nesting means there is only one primary residence [This article originally appeared in

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600 400 Family Nesting • Beth Behrendt, Author
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